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VAE emulsion is short of Vinyl acetate copolymer emulsion, it is the emulsion product which usesvinyl acetate monomer and ethylene monomer as raw material with the method of press copolymerization.lts technological characteristics are: using external circulation out reaction heat, short polvmerization time, largeproduction capacity, polymerization process controlled by computer stable product quality, lowenergy consumption and ittle pollution. This product is nontoxic, tasteless, is recommended by thecountry environmental protection products. VAE emulsion is a kind of milky liguid. Because ofethvlene copolvmerization monomer, VAE emulsion has the characteristic of inner plasticizing, andfilming. weather resistance, adhesive, and compatible, weak acid and alkali resistance.
VAE emulsion can be used as adhesive basic material, such as wood and wooden products, paperand paper products, package composite materials, plastics, structure.
VAE emulsion can be used as inner wall paint, elasticity paint, waterproof paint of roof and
groundwater, the basic material of fireproof and heat preservation paint it also can be used as thebasic material of the caulking of structure, sealing adhesive.
VAE emulsion can sizing and galzing many kinds of paper, it is excellent material of producingmany kinds of advanced paper. VAE emulsion can be used as the basic material of no-wovenadhesive. CEMENT MODIFIER
VAE emulsion can be mixed with cement mortal so that improving the property of the cementproduct.
VAE emulsion can be used as the adhesive, such as tufted carpet, needle carpet, weaving carpet,artificial fur, electrostatic flocking, high-level structure assemble carpet.